AMRA Modified Round-Up
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
  Welcome, and I hope that the articles and information I provide on this site will be both informational , and entertaining. I am most closely tied to the modified class , so most of my articles will probably be about the modifieds. Should also mention that with my ties with AMRA that what I refere to as modifieds, people in the Youngstown area call e-mods. So, as to not confuse anyone when I refere to the New York style modifieds, I will call them "big block modifieds".

I have been in contact with Ernie Coffman, the new owner of Wayne County Speedway, and share their excitement as they have just installed the new transponder system at their track for the 2004 season. If you already have the system from running at Raceway 7 or another track, then your good to go at WCS. The systems they are using are universal. Inspite of some complaining I've heard, I believe this is the wave of the future in local circle track racing. It elimminates close calls, and missed calls. It also gives each driver a print out of all their laps for that event, that can be quite valuable to new and experienced drivers as well. If you do not have a transponder and do not run reguarly at these tracks, it is my understanding that you can rent one for that evenings event for as little as $ 25.00. Also if your planning to be a regular at WCS, you will no-doubt be getting up early on Saturdays to get there irregardless of travel distance. The gates will open weekly at 11:30am. Hot laps for the stocks and mini stocks will start at 1:30p with their heat races immediatly following. After that around 3:00p the late models and AMRA modifieds will have their heats with time trials for both classes next.By 5:30p-6:00p the show will begin.. heat races for the late models and modifieds followed by any b-mains and then 4 feature events. The night should be over between 9:00p or 10:00p at the latest. I believe the main reason for this schedule is an 11:00p curfew there. WCS will have two practice dates on March 27th and April 3rd, with opening night set for April 10th. The modified nightly purse will be $500.00 to win with $100.00 to start, except for the two Road Warrior Events which will pay $1,000.00 to win. They also will have a hefty point fund to be given at their banquet. First will pay $1,000.00, 2nd $ 700.00, 3rd $500.00, 4th $400.00, 5th 350.00, 6th $250.00, and 7th thru 10th $200.00 . In addition to all this, since this is an AMRA sanctioned track, you will also be running AMRA international points, taking your best 20 nights and be eligable for the 16,000.00 AMRA will pay out to the top 25 drivers in points, plus the thousands of dollars in contingencies that are also given out to members. If you have a modified and are wondering where to 'hang your hat for the 2004 season' , you have to say WCS has more to offer this division than any track around. Even if you have to travel a bit , if you make the show your getting $ 100.00. Most tracks in the tri-state area are paying $20.00 to start which barely pays your pit pass let alone the gas to tow there. Try something new this year, go see for yourself, WCS is the place to be. Will also mention, children 15 and under are free, adults $12.00, pits $25.00. Hot dogs and cokes are only a buck! Hope to see you at WCS on April 10th !

Through the season, I will try to keep you updated on the AMAR highlights, and Also the Road Warrior Tour events, and also any other local modified news that becomes available. I may also interview some race teams and take you to their shops in pictures.Since I will be spending my saturdays at WCS, you will most likely hear more about that than anything. If you have anything you want to send my way as far as news and information in this division , just e-mail it to me, and I'll include it in my next article.

Well, I shall close this article , the next one will have actual race results. The tracks in the Ohio Valley and into W. VA. will start practicing next week-end (12th-14th) With racing starting as early as the 19th of March. Good Luck to all of you modified drivers, and may you all have a safe season !  
Cyndi Stiffler highlights all of the AMRA action from Wayne County Speedway on Saturdays, as well as any other AMRA news, including the Road Warrior Tour events.

03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 /

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